Arrow Comes Home

26/01/2021 - ore 10:00

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  • Dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 11.00


Diodes Best-in-Class EMI Synchronous Buck Converters with Unique Noise Reduction features and high efficiency DCDC conversion

These buck converters design are optimized for very low Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) reduction. The converter features Frequency Spread Spectrum (FSS) with a switching frequency jitter of ±6%, which reduces EMI by not allowing emitted energy to stay in any one frequency for a significant period of time. It also has a proprietary gate driver scheme to resist switching node ringing without sacrificing MOSFET turn-on and turn-off times, which reduces high-frequency radiated EMI noise caused by MOSFET switching.
For optimized light-load efficiency, they operates in Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) with high efficiency with few mA load. For the lowest output voltage ripple, they operates in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), regardless of load. These devices have a proprietary ringing resistant switching-node gate driver without sacrificing the switching rise and fall times, reducing high-frequency radiated EMI noise. The devices feature Frequency Spread Spectrum (FSS) to further reduce EMI.

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